STRONG-2020 Public Lecture Series
- STRONG-2020 Public Lecture Series ~ 2021-10-01EDT17:00:0015954
We are very glad to announce the next lecture of this series, interactive live on youtube, on October 1st, 2021 at 16:00 h on the INFN LNF - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati platform, where a STRONG-2020 channel was created (the lectures will be also posted on our STRONG-2020 dedicated youtube channel).
Our guest speakers will be Dr. Andrea Signori, University and INFN Pavia, Italy and Dr. Daria Sokhan, CEA Saclay, France, and Univ. of Glasgow, UK, who will talk about:
The proton in 3D: unravelling the world within
The event will be transmitted live on:
Event Date
Scientific Program
Education Program
Kindergarten - 12th Grade
Undergraduate and Graduate
Web address