SoLID Collaboration Meeting

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  • SoLID Collaboration Meeting
    2021-12-15EST9:00:00 ~ 2021-12-16EST18:00:00
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SoLID Collaboration Meeting

12/15 (Wednesday) -12/16 (Thursday) (Remote)

12/15 (Wednesday)

9:00 Welcome with Paul Souder
9:10 Overview of Progress with Jian-ping Chen
9:30 Discussion
9:40 Hall A Status with Mark Jones
10:00 Discussion
10:10 PVDIS and Other BSM with Paul Souder and Xiaochao Zheng
10:30 Discussion
10:40 Break
11:00 Theory talk on Low-Energy Search for BSM - TBD
11:50 Discussion
12:00 Break
12:20 Input from JLab management with Stuart/Bob/Rolf/Thia
12:40 Discussion
12:50 Lunch Break
13:50 Software with Ole Hansen
14:10 Discussion
14:20 AI/ML from Data Science Group - TBD
14:40 Discussion
14:50 Status of Simulations with Zhiwen Zhao
15:10 Discussion
15:20 Break
15:40 Simulation Talk I - Tracking with Weizhi Xiong
16:00 Simulation Talk II - ECal and Event Generators with Ye Tian
16:20 Discussion
16:30 SIDIS Status and 20-24 GeV Projections with Haiyan Gao and Vlad Khachatryan
16:50 Discussion
17:00 J/Psi Status with Zein-Eddine Meziani
17:20 Discussion
17:30 General Discussion
18:00 Adjourn

12/16 (Thursday)

9:00 GEM R&D from Chinese Collaborators with Jianbei Liu
9:20 Discussion
9:30 MRPC R&D Update with Yi Wang and Zhohong Ye
9:50 Discussion
10:00 GEM Status and Plan with Nilanga Liyanage
10:20 Discussion
10:30 Break
10:50 Pre-R&D Progress - Cherenkov with Michael Paolone
11:10 Status and Plan on LGC with Michael Paolone and Zein-Eddine Mezaini
11:30 Discussion
11:40 Status and Plan for HGC with Zhiwen Zhao and Garth Huber
12:00 Discussion
12:10 Lunch Break
13:10 Magnet Testing, Detector Support with Whit Seay
13:30 Discussion
13:40 Pre-R&D Progress - DAQ with Alexandre Camsonne
14:00 Status and Plan on DAQ with Alexandre Camsoone
14:20 Discussion
14:30 ECal Status and Plan with Xiaochao Zheng
14:50 Discussion
15:00 Break
15:20 Beam Test Plan with Xiaochao Zheng
15:40 Discussion
15:50 Web, DocDB, Information Maintenance and Continuity with Steve Wood
16:10 Discussion
16:20 General Discussion, Next Meeting Dates, Other Businesses
17:30 End of the collaboration meeting

Event Date
Scientific Program
Contact Name
Jina-ping Chen
(757) 218-0722