The Department of Energy's
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
For clarity and consistency, use of the following terms has been standardized: the Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Jefferson Lab, Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility, CEBAF, Low Energy Recirculator Facility, and LERF. Please use the following guidelines:
Example: The Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility at DOE's Jefferson Lab consists of a recirculating electron accelerator and four experimental halls. The CEBAF accelerator is located 25 feet below ground in a one kilometer around, racetrack-shaped tunnel.
Example: Jefferson Lab's Low Energy Recirculator Facility, formerly known as the Free-Electron Laser, was developed using the lab's expertise in superconducting radiofrequency accelerators.
- When initially identifying the entire laboratory with all of its inclusive parts, refer to it as the Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, and thereafter as Jefferson Lab. Other acceptable secondary references include the lab or the research facility.
- Refer to the accelerator and the experimental halls as the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility on first reference and as CEBAF thereafter. Refer to the accelerator alone as the CEBAF accelerator.
- Refer to the Low Energy Recirculator Facility at Jefferson Lab by using Low Energy Recirculator Facility on the first mention, and as LERF thereafter.
These are the preferred versions for name use. Please use these guidelines whenever using the organization's names: when developing printed material, presentations, web pages, etc.
Direct questions or requests for more information to
Photo credits: Jefferson Lab photos may be used with permission from the Jefferson Lab Communications Office - for nonprofit purposes.
Photos should be credited as follows: Photo courtesy of Jefferson Lab or Jefferson Lab photo