How to use the Jefferson Lab Library


Welcome to Information Resources, your gateway to the library's online catalog, physics and engineering databases, electronic journals and scientific information resources, full-text Jlab publications, professional paper preparation information, and records management assistance!

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How to use the Jefferson Lab Library

Library staff continues to be committed to provide the resources that are needed to drive world-class science at the laboratory. Jefferson Lab's library books are temporarily not available in a specific location for patrons to browse, but they are available to check out through the online catalog.

Make your requests for items and inter-library loans using our help page:

If you have any questions or need assistance, contact Library staff via

Library Support (preferred method of contact) - General Questions, Support

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Library Information

Search Online Catalog Location and Hours
Subject Pathfinders Staff
Databases Circulation Policy
E-Books Lab Libraries
Online Journals
Print Journals/Backfiles
Interlibrary Loan Request
Additional Resources