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2010 Physics Seminars

Speaker Title Date
Michael Ramsey-Musolf
University of Wisconsin
Precision Electroweak Probes of the New Standard Model December 10, 2010
Prof. Zhengguo Zhao
University of Science and Technology of China
Physics at Hadron Colliders December 3, 2010
Elliott Leader
Imperial College, London
Polarized Parton Densities November 3, 2010
Gerald Miller
University of Washington
Realistic Transverse Images of the Nucleon October 27, 2010
Mark Strikman
Penn State University
Multiparton interactions: from RHIC to LHC October 22, 2010
Wick Haxton
Lawerence Berkeley National Lab and University of California, Berkeley
Solar Neutrinos and the Planets June 11, 2010
Guorong Wang
Nanjing University, China
Gauge Invariance, Canonical Quantization in Nucleon Internal Structure May 28, 2010
John Schiffer
Argonne National Lab
Is the Tensor Force Manifest in Nuclear Structure? April 23, 2010
Simona Malace
University of South Carolina
The Proton in the Nuclear Medium: JLab experimental constraints on the modeling of 4He(e,e'p)3H reaction April 16, 2010
Jo Dudek
Jefferson Lab and Old Dominion University
Hadron Spectroscopy from QCD March 12, 2010
Kalyan Allada
University of Kentucky
Measurement of Single Target-Spin Asymmetry in Semi-Inclusive Deep-inelastic Scattering using a Transversely Polarized 3He Target March 10, 2010
Puneet Khetarpal
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Near Threshold Pion Electroproduction at High Q2 February 25, 2010
Neal Weiner
Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, New York University
Astrophysical Motivations for Dark Forces February 19, 2010
Michael Pennington
Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, Durham University
Swimming with quarks January 22, 2010
Matthew Stettler
Los Alamos National Lab
Large signal processing systems in high energy Physics: The LHC Compact Muon Solenoid Trigger System and related efforts January 6, 2010