2003 Physics Seminars
Speaker | Title | Date |
A. D. Krisch, Spin Physics Center, University of Michigan | Violent Collisions of Spinning Protons | Friday, Nov. 21, 2003 |
Michael Kuss, INFN Pisa | GLAST and the Gamma-Ray Sky | Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2003 |
Dr. Tony Wright, Electron Tubes Inc. | Critical considerations in the use of photomultipliers | Tuesday, October 21, 2003 |
F. Iachello, Yale University | Structure of the Nucleon from Electromagnetic Form Factors | Friday, October 3, 2003 |
Frank Close | Three Narrow Resonances and a Real Fun One | September 25, 2003 |
Xin-Nian Wang, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Jet Tomography of Cold and Hot Nuclear Medium | September 12, 2003 |
E. Christova, Sofiya Institute for Nuclear Research, Bulgaria | An Alternative approach to Semi-inclusive DIS and possible tests for independent fragmentation | August 20, 2003 |
D. Stamenov, Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria | The Role of Higher Twists in Determining Polarized Parton Densities in the Nucleon | August 18, 2003 |
Luminita Todor, Carnegie Mellon University | The Pentaquark | August 15, 2003 |
Dennis Weygand Jefferson Lab |
Mesons with Unusual Quantum Numbers: A Status Report on the Exotic Meson Spectrum from E852 | July 18, 2003 |
Fan Wang Nanjing University, China |
Which Constituent Quark Model is Better? | May 30, 2003 |
Dinko Pocanic University of Virginia |
PIBETA: A new precise measurement of rare pion and muon decays | May 02, 2003 |
Xiangdong Ji University of Maryland |
PQCD Scaling of the Nucleon's Pauli Form-Factor | April 25, 2003 |
Hugh Gallagher Tufts University |
Atmosperic Neutrinos and the Search for Neutrino Oscillations | April 11, 2003 |
Frank Close Oxford |
Photoexcitation of Hybrids in the Flux Tube Model | April 9, 2003 |
Alexandre Deur UVA |
Neutron Spin Structure Studies of Jefferson Lab | April 3, 2003 |
Dmitri Diakonov Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Chiral Dynamics in Baryons | March 28, 2003 |
M. Eric Christy Hampton University |
Longitudinal/Transverse Studies of Proton Form Factors, Structure Functions and Moments | March 18, 2003 |
Boris Kopeliovich Max-Planck Institute Germany |
Propagation of Partons in Nuclear Medium | March 14, 2003 |
K.A. Oganessyan LNF-INFN, Italy and DESY, Germany |
Angular Correlations in Electron-Proton Scattering | March 12, 2003 |
Avraham Rinat Weizman Institute of Science, Israel |
Extraction of the magnetic form factor of the neutron from data on Quasi-Elastic inclusive scattering of electrons from light nuclei | March 7, 2003 |
Antje Bruell MIT |
Semi-inclusive Spin Physics at HERMES | March 3, 2003 |
Hans Rykaczewski CERN and ETH Zurich |
Technical Challenges in Constructing the CMS Experiment | February 6, 2003 |
T.-S. Harry Lee Argonne National Laboratory |
Dynamical Model of Electromagnetic and Weak Pion Production Reactions | January 31, 2003 |