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2006 Physics Seminars

Speaker Title Date
Ross Young, Jefferson Lab Triumph of the Standard Model to all-new precision at Jefferson Lab December 20, 2006
Mauro Anselmino, Turin U. & INFN, Turin The Transverse Structure of the Nucleon December 15, 2006
Elliott Wolin, JLab The Wonderland Trail Around December 14, 2006
William J. Marciano, Brookhaven National Lab Precision Measurements and New Physics December 13, 2006
Renee Fatemi, MIT Extracting the Gluon Piece of the Proton Spin Puzzle: New Results from the STAR Collaboration December 5, 2006
Michael Kohl, MIT We had a BLAST at MIT-Bates November 29, 2006
Elaine Schulte, Rutgers Univ. The Minerva Experiment November 28, 2006
Lingyan Zhu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Probing the Nucleon Structure with Azimuthal Asymmetries — cos2phi distribution and Boer-Mulders Functions November 21, 2006
Frank R. Wesselmann, Norfolk State Univ. Measuring GPE/GPM In Hall C November 15, 2006
Andreas Metz, Bochum Study of Hadron Structure through Semi-Inclusive Processes November 10, 2006
Franz Gross, JLab The Shape of the Nucleon, Round 2 November 3, 2006
Elliott Wolin, JLab The Wonderland Trail Around Mount Rainier November 1, 2006
Mark Strikman, Penn State University Short-range correlations in nuclei - looking backward October 20, 2006
Fred Dylla, Associate Director for Free Electron Lasers The Free Electron Laser Program at Jefferson Lab October 18, 2006
Igor Strakovsky, George Washington University Partial-Wave Analysis and Spectroscopy in Pion-Nucleon Scattering up to W = 2.5 GeV September 22, 2006
Alfred Mueller, Columbia University The Interaction of Hard Partons with Hot and Cold Nuclear Matter August 25, 2006
Franco Garibaldi, INFN 12B_Lambda High Resolution Spectroscopy by Electron Scattering August 4, 2006
Anna Micherdzinska, Indiana University/IUC Measurement of the Parity-Violating Neutron Spin Rotation in Liquid 4He June 2, 2006
Elton Smith, JLab Search for Gluonic Excitations in Hall D May 30, 2006
Dr. Elke-Caroline Aschenauer, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Germany The Spin of the Nucleon May 22, 2006
Stephane Platchkov, CEA-Saclay, DSM/DAPNIA, Gif-sur-Yvette, France and CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Recent Results From the COMPASS Experiment at CERN May 17, 2006
Daniela Rohe, University of Basel Experiments With Polarized 3He at MAMI May 8, 2006
Kent Paschke, University of Massachusetts Parity-violating Electron Scattering on Hydrogen and Helium and Strangeness in the Nucleon April 21, 2006
Tanja Horn for the Fpi2-Collaboration, University of Maryland Measurement of the Pion's Electric Form Factor Via Pion Electroproduction April 19, 2006
I. Giomataris, DAPNIA-SACLAY MICROMEGAS Detector: Performance, Applications and New Developments March 31, 2006
Franck Sabatie, Saclay First results of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering in Hall A March 10, 2006
Kathy McCormick, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Nuclear Science and its Applications at Pacific Northwest National Lab February 24, 2006
Jerry Peterson, University of Colorado Comparisons of Hadron and Electron Continuum Scattering Via Scaling February 3, 2006
Cynthia Keppel, Hampton University Proton Therapy in Hampton Roads January 27, 2006
Donald F. Geesaman, Argonne National Laboratory What Do I Think I Know and What Do I Want to Know in Nuclear Science January 20, 2006