Index of Approved and Conditionally Approved Experiments at Jefferson Lab

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Approved Experiments

Experiments in Hall A

( E00007 ) ; Proton Polarization Angular Distribution in Deuteron Photo-Disintegration
( E00102 ) ; Testing the limits of the Single Particle Model in 16O(e ep): An update to E89-003
( E00110 ) ; Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at 6 GeV
( E00114 ) ; Parity Violation from 4He at Low Q2: A Clean Measurement of ρs
( E01001 ) ; New Measurement of (GE/GM) for the Proton
( E01012 ) ; Measurement of Neutron (3He) Spin Structure Functions in the Resonance Region
( E01015 ) ; Proposal 97-106 (update) Studying the Internal Small-Distance Structure of Nuclei via the Triple Coincidence (e,e'p+N) Measurement
( E01020 ) ; PR-01-007 and PR-01-008 Combined
( E02013 ) ; Measurement of the Neutron Electric Form Factor GEn at High Q^2
( E03101 ) ; Hard Photodisintegration of a Proton Pair
( E03104 ) ; Probing the Limits of the Standard Model of Nuclear Physics with the 4He(e,e'p)3H Reaction
( E03106 ) ; Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering on the Neutron
( E04007 ) ; Precision Measurement of the Electroproduction of π0 Near Threshold: A Test of Chiral QCD Dynamics
( E04012 ) ; High Resolution study of the 1540 exotic state
( E04018 ) ; Elastic Electron Scattering Off 3He and 4He at large momentum transfers
( E04107 ) ; Detailed Study of 4He Nuclei through Response Function Separations at High Momentum transfers
( E05004 ) ; A(Q) at Low Q in ed Elastic Scattering
( E05015 ) ; Measurement of the Target Single-Spin Asymmetry in Quasi-Elastic 3He(e,e’)
( E05102 ) ; Measurements of Ax and Az Asymmetries in the Quasi-elastic 3He(e,e'd) Reaction
( E05103 ) ; Low Energy Deuteron Photodisintegration
( E05110 ) ; Precision Measurement of Longitudinal and Transverse Response Functions of Quasi-Elastic Electron Scattering in the Momentum Transfer Range 0.55 GeV/c < q < 0.9 GeV/c
( E06002 ) ; A Clean Measurement of the Neutron Skin of 208 Pb through Parity Violating Electron Scattering
( E06007 ) ; Impulse Approximation limitations to the (e,e'p) on 208Pb, identifying correlations and relativistic effects in the nuclear medium
( E06010 ) ; Measurement of Single Target-Spin Asymmetry in Semi-Inclusive n↑(e,e'π-) Reaction on a Transversely Polarized 3He Target
( E06014 ) ; Precision Measurements of the Neutron dc: Towards the Electric XE and Magnetic XB Color Polarizabilities
( E07006 ) ; Studying Short-Range Correlations in Nuclei at the Repulsive Core Limit via the Triple Coincidence (e,e'pN) Reaction
( E07007 ) ; Separation of Deeply Virtual Photon and pi-0 Electroproduction Observables of Unpolarized Protons
( E07012 ) ; The Angular Dependence of 16O(e,e'K)16N_lambda and H(e,e'K)lambda
( E08005 ) ; Measurement of the Target Single-Spin Asymmetry, Ay, in the Quasi-Elastic 3He¿(e,e'n) Reaction
( E08007 ) ; Measurement of the Proton Elastic Form Factor Ratio at Low Q2
( E08007 ) ; Measurement of the Proton Elastic Form Factor Ratio at Low Q2
( E08009 ) ; Detailed Study of 4He Nuclei through Response Function Separations at HIgh Momentum Transfers
( E08010 ) ; Measurement of the Coulomb quadrupole amplitude in the Delta(1232) in the low momentum transfer region
( E08011 ) ; e-2H Parity-Violating Deep-Inelastic Scattering (PVDIS) at CEBAF 6 GeV
( E08014 ) ; Three-nucleon short range correlations studies in inclusive scattering for 0.8<2.8 (GeV/c)2
( E08025 ) ; Measurement of the Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering off the Neutron
( E08027 ) ; A Measurement of g2p and the Longitudinal-Transverse Spin Polarizability
( E89003 ) ; Study of the Quasielastic (e,e'p) reaction in 16O at High Recoil Momentum
( E89019 ) ; Measurement of Proton Polarization in the d(χ,p)n Reaction
( E89028 ) ; Polarization Transfer Measurements in the D(e,e'p)n Reaction
( E89033 ) ; Measurement of Recoil Polarization in the 16O (e,e'p) Reaction with 2.4 GeV Electrons
( E89044 ) ; Selected Studies of the 3He and 4He Nuclei through Electrodisintegration at High Momentum Transfer
( E91010 ) ; Parity Violation in Elastic Scattering From the Proton and 4He
( E91011 ) ; Investigation of the N->Δ Transition via Polarization Observables in Hall A (previously titled- High-Precision Separation of Polarized Structure Function
( E91026 ) ; Measurement of the Electric and Magnetic Elastic Structure Functions of the Deuteron at Large Momentum Transfers
( E93027 ) ; Electric Form Factor of the Proton by Recoil Polarization
( E93049 ) ; Polarization Transfer in the Reaction 4He(e,e'p)3H in the Quasi-elastic Scattering Region
( E93050 ) ; Nucleon Structure Study By Virtual Compton Scattering; Web Page
( E94004 ) ; In-Plane Separations and High Momentum Structure in d(e,e'p)n
( E94010 ) ; Measurement of the Neutron (3He) Spin Structure Function at Low Q2
( E94012 ) ; Measurement of Photoproton Polarization in the H(γ,p)π0 Reaction
( E94104 ) ; The Fundamental γ n→ π-ρ Process in 2D, 4He, and 12C in the 1.2 - 6.0 GeV Region
( E94107 ) ; High Resolution Hypernuclear 1p shell Spectroscopy
( E95001 ) ; Precise measurements of the Inclusive Spin-dependent Quasi-elastic Transverse Asymmetry AT from 2H(e,e') at low Q2
( E97103 ) ; Search for Higher Twist Effects in the Neutron Spin Structure Function g2n(x,Q2)
( E97110 ) ; The GDH Rule and the Spin Structure of 3He and the Neutron Using Nearly Real Photons
( E97111 ) ; Systematic Probe of Short-Range Correlations via the Reaction 4He(e,e'p)3H
( E98108 ) ; Electroproduction of Kaons up to Q2=3 (GeV/c)2
( E99007 ) ; Measurement of GEP/GMP to Q2 = 5.6 GeV2 by the Recoil Polarization Method
( E99008 ) ; Large Angle Two-Body Photodisintegration of the Deuteron at High Energy
( E99114 ) ; Exclusive Compton Scattering on the Proton
( E99115 ) ; Constraning the Nucleon Strangeness Radius in Parity Violating Electron Scattering
( E99117 ) ; Precision Measurement of the Neutron Asymmetry A1n at Large x using CEBAF at 6 GeV

Number of Experiments in Hall A = 63

Experiments in Hall B

( E00112 ) ; Exclusive Kaon Electroproduction in Hall B at 6 GeV
( E01017 ) ; Extension to E99-005: Meson Spectroscopy in Few-Body Decays
( E01103 ) ; CLAS E1 Run Group Jeopardy Proposal
( E01112 ) ; Photoproduction of Vector Mesons off Nuclei - Update to 94-002
( E02103 ) ; A Precision Measurement of the Neutral Pion Lifetime via the Primakoff Effect
( E02104 ) ; Quark Propagation Through Cold QCD Matter
( E02110 ) ; Q² Dependence of Nuclear Transparency for Incoherent ρ 0 Electroproduction
( E02112 ) ; Search for Missing Nucleon Resonances in the Photoproduction of Hyperons Using A Polarized Photon Beam and A Polarized Target
( E03006 ) ; The GDH Sum Rule with nearly real photons and the proton g1 structure function at low momentum transfer
( E03012 ) ; The Structure of the Free Neutron Via Spectator Tagging
( E03105 ) ; Pion Photoproduction from a Polarized Target
( E03113 ) ; Investigation of Exotic Baryons States in Photoproduction Reactions with CLAS
( E04005 ) ; Search for New Forms of Hadronic Matter in Photoproduction
( E04010 ) ; Search for Exotic Cascades with CLAS Using an Untagged Virtual Photon Beam
( E04017 ) ; Study of Pentaquark States in Photoproduction off Protons
( E04021 ) ; Spectroscopy of Exotic Baryons with CLAS:Search for Ground and Excited States
( E04116 ) ; Beyond the Born Approximation: A Precise Comparison of Positron-Proton and Electron-Proton Elastic Scattering in CLAS
( E05011 ) ; Coherent Vector Meson Production Off the Deuteron
( E05012 ) ; Measurement of Polarization Observables in eta-photoproduction with CLAS
( E05113 ) ; Semi-Inclusive Pion Production with a Longitudinally Polarized Target at 6GeV
( E05114 ) ; Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at 6 GeV with polarized target and polarized beam using the CLAS detector
( E06003 ) ; Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering with CLAS at 6 GeV
( E06013 ) ; Meaurement of π+π- Photoproduction in Double-Polarization Experiments using CLAS
( E06101 ) ; N* Resonances in Pseudoscalar-meson photo-production from Polarized Neutrons in H·D and a complete determination of the γn¿Κ0Λ amplitude
( E06103 ) ; Kaon Production on the Deuteron Using Polarized Photons
( E07005 ) ; Beyond the Born Approximation: A Precise Comparison of e+p and e-p Elastic Scattering in CLAS
( E07009 ) ; Meson spectroscopy in the Coherent Production on 4He with CLAS
( E08023 ) ; An updated High Precision Measurement of the Neutral Pion Lifetime via the Primakoff Effect
( E08024 ) ; Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering off 4He
( E89004 ) ; Electromagnetic Production of Hyperons
( E89015 ) ; Study of Coincidence Reactions in the Dip and Delta-Resonance Regions Resubmitted as PR-91-009
( E89017 ) ; Electroexcitation of the D(1232) in Nuclei. Resubmitted as PR-91-009
( E89024 ) ; Radiative Decays of the Low-Lying Hyperons With PR-89-004
( E89027 ) ; Coincidence Reaction Studies with the CLAS
( E89031 ) ; Study of Multi-Nucleon Knockout With the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer Resubmitted as PR-91-009
( E89032 ) ; Study of the Local Properties of Nuclear Matter in Electron-Nucleus and Photon-Nucleus Interactions with Backward Particle Production Using the CLAS Detector -> PR-91-009
( E89036 ) ; Study of Short-Range Properties of Nuclear Matter in Electron-Nucleus and Photon-Nucleus Interactions with Backward Particle Production using the CLAS Detector resub as PR-91-009
( E89037 ) ; Electroproduction of the P33(1232) Resonance
( E89038 ) ; Measurements of p(e,e' π+)n, p(e,e'p)π0, and n(e,e'π-)p in the Second Resonance Region
( E89039 ) ; Amplitudes for the S11(1535) and P11(1710) Resonances from an ep=>e'pn experiment
( E89042 ) ; Measurement of the Electron Asymmetry in p(e,e'p)π0 and p(e,e'π+) in the Mass Region of the P33 (1232)
( E89043 ) ; Measurements of the Electroproduction of the Δ(gnd), Δ*(1520) and f0(975) via the K+ and K-&p and K+ π-p Final States
( E89045 ) ; Study of Kaon Photoproduction on Deuterium
( E91002 ) ; The study of Excited Baryons at High Momentum Transfer with the CLAS Spectrometer
( E91008 ) ; Photoproduction of η and η' Mesons
( E91014 ) ; Quasi-Free Strangeness Production in Nuclei
( E91023 ) ; Measurement of Polarized Structure Functions in Inelastic Electron Proton Scattering using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer
( E91024 ) ; Search for "Missing" Resonances in the Electroproduction of Omega Mesons
( E93006 ) ; Two Pion Decay of Electroproduced Baryon Resonances
( E93008 ) ; Inclusive η Photoproduction in Nuclei
( E93009 ) ; The Polarized Structure Function G1n and the Q2 Dependence of the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Sum Rule for the Neutron
( E93012 ) ; Electroproduction of Light Quark Mesons
( E93017 ) ; Study of γd -> pn and γd -> pΔ0 Reactions for Small Momentum Transfers
( E93019 ) ; Photoabsorption and Photofission of Nuclei
( E93022 ) ; Measurement of the Polarization of the φ(1020) in Electroproduction
( E93030 ) ; Measurement of the Structure Functions for Kaon Electroproduction
( E93031 ) ; Photoproduction of Vector Mesons at High t
( E93033 ) ; A Search for Missing Baryons Formed in gp -> pp+p- Using the CLAS at CEBAF
( E93036 ) ; Measurement of Single Pion Electroproduction from the Proton with Polarized Beam and Polarized Target Using CLAS
( E93044 ) ; Photoreactions on 3He
( E94003 ) ; Study of the Δ(1232) Using Double Polarization Asymmetries
( E94005 ) ; Determination of the ND Axial Vector Tansition Form Factor GA from the ep -> e'Δ++π-
( E94008 ) ; Photoproduction of h and h' Mesons from Deuterium
( E94015 ) ; Study of the Axial Anomaly using the rppi+-->pi+pio Reaction Near Thr
( E94016 ) ; A Measurement of Rare Radiative Decays of the f Meson
( E94017 ) ; The Neutron Magnetic Form Factor from Precision Measurements of the Ratio of Quasielastic Electron-Neutron to Electron-Proton Scattering in Deuterium
( E94019 ) ; Measuring Nuclear Transparency in Double Rescattering Processes
( E94102 ) ; Electron Scattering from a High Momentum Nucleon in Deuterium
( E94103 ) ; The Photoproduction of Pions
( E94109 ) ; Photoproduction of the Rho Meson from the Proton with Linearly Polarized Photons
( E95003 ) ; Measurement of Kzero Electroproduction
( E97001 ) ; Electroproduction of the ppπ- System off the Deuteron Beyond the Quasifree Region
( E98104 ) ; Measurement of the polarized electron beam asymmetry on exclusive reactions in nuclei with CLAS
( E98109 ) ; Photoproduction of phi Mesons with Linearly Polarized Photons
( E99005 ) ; Meson Spectroscopy in Few-Body Decays
( E99006 ) ; Polarization observables in the 1H (e,e'K+)Λ Reaction
( E99013 ) ; Photoproduction of omega mesons off protons with linearly polarized photons
( E99105 ) ; Deeply Virtual Electroproduction of Vector Mesons
( E99107 ) ; N* Excitations at High Q2 in the p pi, p , and n pi+ Channels
( E99108 ) ; N* Excitations at High Q2 in the Two-Pion Channel

Number of Experiments in Hall B = 80

Experiments in Hall C

( E00002 ) ; F2N at Low Q2
( E00006 ) ; G0 Experiment: Forward Angle Measurements
( E00108 ) ; Duality in Meson Electroproduction
( E00116 ) ; Update E97-010: Measurement of Hydrogen and Deuterium Inclusive Resonance Cross Sections at Intermediate Q2 for Parton-Hadron Duality Studies
( E01002 ) ; Update to E97-101: Baryon Resonance Electroproduction at High Momentum Transfer
( E01004 ) ; Extension to E93-021: The Charged Pion Form Factor
( E01006 ) ; Update to 96-002 - Precision Measurement of the Nucleon Spin Structure Functions in the Region of the Nucleon Resonances
( E01011 ) ; Spectroscopic Study of Lambda Hypernuclei Up To Medium-Heacy Mass Region Through the (e,e'k+) Reaction
( E01107 ) ; Measurement of Pion Transparency in Nuclei
( E02017 ) ; Status of the LS=1 Hadronic Weak Interaction Program (update to 99-003)
( E02019 ) ; Inclusive Scattering from Nuclei at x>1 and High Q2 with a 6 GeV Beam
( E02109 ) ; Measurement of R=sigma_L/sigma_T on Deuterium in the Nucleon Resonance Region
( E03008 ) ; Sub-threshold J/Psi Photoproduction
( E03103 ) ; A Precise Measurement of the Nuclear Dependence of Structure Functions in Light Nuclei
( E04001 ) ; Measurements of F2 and R on Nuclear Targets in Resonance Region
( E04019 ) ; Measurement of the Two-Photon Exchange Contribution in ep Elastic Scattering Using Recoil Polarization
( E04101 ) ; Measurement of the Parity Violating Asymmetry in the N to Delta Transition
( E04108 ) ; Measurement of GEp/GMp to Q2=9 GeV2 via recoil polarization
( E04115 ) ; G0 Backward Angle Measurement
( E05017 ) ; A Measurement of Two-Photon Exchange in Unpolarized Elastic Electron-Proton Scattering.
( E05101 ) ; Initial State Helicity Correlation in Wide Angle Compton Scattering
( E05115 ) ; Spectroscopic investigation of the hypernuclei in the wide mass region using (e,e'k+) reaction
( E06008 ) ; Update for PR 05-108: G0 Experiment Backward Angle Measurement at Q2=0.23 GeV2
( E06009 ) ; Measurement of R=σLT on Deuterium in the Nucleon Resonance Region and Beyond
( E07002 ) ; Polarization transfer in Wide Angle Compton Scattering
( E07003 ) ; Update to TJNAF E-03-109: Spin Asymmetries on the Nucleon Experiment-SANE
( E07011 ) ; A High Precision Measurement of the Deuteron Spin-Structure Function g1d/F1d
( E08016 ) ; The Qweak Experiment: A Search for New Physics at the TeV scale via a Measurement of the Proton's Weak Charge
( E89008 ) ; Inclusive Scattering for Nuclei at x>1 and High Q2
( E89009 ) ; Investigation of the Spin Dependence of the LN Effective Interaction in the P Shell
( E89012 ) ; Two-Body Photodisintegration of the Deuteron at Forward Angles and Photon Energies between 1.5 and 4.0 GeV
( E91003 ) ; A Study of Longitudinal Charged Pion Electroproduction in D2, 3 He, and 4 He
( E91013 ) ; The Energy Dependence of Nucleon Propagation in Nuclei as Measured in the (e,e'p) Reaction
( E91016 ) ; Electroproduction of Kaons and Light Hypernuclei
( E93018 ) ; Longitudinal/Transverse Cross Section Separation in p(e,e'K+)Λ(Σ) for 0.5< Q2< 2.0 (GeV/c) 2, W > 1.7 GeV and t tim > .1 (GeV/c) 2
( E93021 ) ; The Charged Pion Form Factor
( E93026 ) ; The Charge Form Factor of the Neutron
( E93038 ) ; The Electric and Magnetic Form Factors of the Neutron From the d(e,e'n)p Reaction based on PR-89-005 [originally two proposals PR-93-038(electric) and -039(magnetic)]
( E94014 ) ; The D(1232) Form Factor at High Momentum Transfer
( E94018 ) ; Measurement of the Deuteron Tensor Polarization at Large Momentum Transfers in D(e,e'd) Scattering
( E94110 ) ; Measurement of R= Sigma L/Sigma T in the Nucleon Resonance Region
( E94139 ) ; Measurement of the Nuclear Dependence and Momentum Transfer Dependence of Quasielastic (e,e'p) Scattering at Large Momentum Transfer
( E96003 ) ; Two-Body Photodisintegration of the Deutron at High Energy
( E97006 ) ; Correlated Spectral Function and (e,e'p) Reaction Mechanism
( E99118 ) ; Measurement of the Nuclear Dependence of R=sigma_L/sigma_T at Low Q2

Number of Experiments in Hall C = 45

Experiments in Hall

( E02102 ) ; CEBAF Energy Recovery Experiment

Number of Experiments in Hall = 1

Number of Approved Experiments in all Halls- 189

Conditionally Approved Experiments

Experiments in Hall A

( E02101 ) ; Exclusive Study of Deuteron Electrodisintegration near Threshold
( E04114 ) ; A measurement of the flavor asymmetry through charged meson production in semi-indusive deep-inelastic scattering
( E08008 ) ; Exclusive Study of Deuteron Electrodisintegration near Threshold

Number of Experiments in Hall A = 3

Experiments in Hall B

( E04102 ) ; Helicity Structure of Pion Photoproduction
( E08003 ) ; ³P¿À+n single charged pion photoproduction
( E08018 ) ; Properties of the fho, omega, and phi mesons
( E08021 ) ; Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at 6 GeV with transversely polarized target using the CLAS Detector

Number of Experiments in Hall B = 4

Experiments in Hall C

( E08002 ) ; Spectroscopic study of ¿ hypernuclei in the medium-heavy mass region and p-shell region using the (e,e'K+) reaction
( E08012 ) ; Study of Light Hypernuclei by Pionic Decay at JLab

Number of Experiments in Hall C = 2

Number of Conditionally Approved Experiments in all Halls = 9

Grand Total Number of Experiments in all Halls = 198

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