Germantown Auditorium (Germantown Campus)
Germantown, Maryland 20874 USA
Conference Reporting – this workshop is exempt from conference reporting in the conference management tool because it is being held at a Federal facility and the attendees are federal and laboratory employees.
This conference page was created courtesy of Jefferson Lab on behalf of the Department of Energy. All questions related to the conference should be sent to Michael Epps and Nancy Day
- Revised Accelerator Safety Order DOE O 420.2D: Impacts and Implementation
- Accelerator Regulation
- Accelerator Safety Program Management
- Personnel and Machine Safety Systems – Hardware and Software
- Uses of Accelerators and Accelerator R&D
- Sustainability, Decommissioning and Radiological Materials
- Tips & Tricks for Becoming an Accelerator Safety Expert
- Hazard Assessment Methodology
- Readiness for Operations
- Major Project Highlights
- Lessons Learned and Best Practices
Special Events - Registered participants are invited to attend
- No-Host Reception/Evening Dinner, Tuesday October 18.
- Tour at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Campus in Gaithersburg, Maryland, Thursday October 20.
Laura Boon (ANL) Patrick Bragg (INL) Nancy Day (DOE SC) Amy Ecclesine (SLAC) Mike Epps (DOE SC) Harry Fanning (JLab) Eric Fike (ANL) Craig Fish (LLNL) Dave Freeman (ORNL) Mark Shannon Gulley (LANL) |
Charles Kelsey (LANL) |