Accelerator Seminar: Nabin Raut

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  • Accelerator Seminar: Nabin Raut
    2022-06-16EDT11:00:00 ~ 2022-06-16EDT12:00:00
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Title: Magnetic Levitation Within a Microwave Cavity

Abstract: The coaxial quarter-wave microwave cavity localized electric field around the rim of the stub. This high field has been coupled and perturbed with and by a mechanical oscillator for the cavity optomechanics, sensing, and storage, readout, & control of the quantum states. In this seminar, discussion will be on a novel mechanical perturbation within such microwave cavity. A sequence of identical magnets is levitated from the most sensitive region of the cavity, near the edge of the stub. In this region, the small fluctuations in the magnet's position are evident in the RF spectrum. We observed abrupt shifts in the peak position of the RF spectra during the transition to levitation. The resonance frequency shifted with a height sensitivity as large as 400 MHz/mm. The changed in the total quality factor was as large as 17%. Such an electromechanical system is a transducer between mechanical and microwave oscillators enabling coupling of low-frequency mechanical motion of the magnet to other quantum objects, such as magnons and transmons, which are used for sensing and quantum information processing.

Event Date
Scientific Program
Contact Name
Kevin Jordan
(757) 269-7100