Accelerator Seminar: Geoffrey Krafft

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  • Accelerator Seminar: Geoffrey Krafft
    2022-08-04EDT11:00:00 ~ 2022-08-04EDT12:00:00
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Speaker: Geoffrey Krafft

USPAS Prize Talk: Some Reminisces on My Career in Accelerators

Abstract: As a youngster, I was drawn into accelerators at University of California. After some comments about how that happened, I'll relay on several important lessons that I learned there that have guided me and helped me along throughout my career. I'll tell the stories about the creation of the Beam Breakup code TDBBU; measurements of bunch length and path length at CEBAF; work on energy recovery linacs, both as conventional and FEL radiation sources; and more recent work on Compton sources and two-energy rings.

Event Date
Scientific Program
Contact Name
Kevin Jordan
(757) 269-7644